Laser Screed Concrete Flooring

We provide Laser Screed Concrete Flooring services that provide a flatter floor with a considerable reduction in work time and costs. Our fleet of machines consists of Somero S-10A and  S-158-C Laser Screed Machines. These Laser screed machines produce concrete floors that are flatter and more durable than those produced by more conventional screeding techniques.

The control of highly accurate transverse and longitudinal tolerances is achieved through pouring the concrete in narrow strips using specialised tools and machines of construction. We provide a total flooring solution that intensively covers design, plan, and floor laying based on the needs of the clients. Our fleet of laser screed machines cuts, vibrates & levels the concrete in a single pass.

Laser Screed machines are utilised for FM2/ FM3 flooring for warehouses, cold storage, exterior paving and parking structures, retail centres, and other commercial construction projects that require extremely flatter floors. The large pour method of construction is used by us to reduce the number of formed joints thus reducing long-term maintenance costs.

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We Provide

Flatter floors with less manual effort
Adaptation of long strip construction method
Large pour of 700 to 1200 sqm per day casting
Wider Slab Placement
Floor laying with higher tolerances than conventional floor slabs
A fleet of machines utilised to produce higher flooring tolerances
Fast track production that will usually lead to shortened schedules